whats up!! well my names Alex i am regular teenager what can i say
...i hate being bored cant stand being mad...always want to have a good time...people say that im hilarious, got hit by a plane girls with good personalities cause girls with good personalities look 185 times better than a fine girl with a bad personality cause a bad personality makes girls look 405 times to kick it with friends...always want to have a good time always always always always only live once, sleep when you die thats my really sporty LOVE soccer Chivas is my team always will be CHIVAS POR VIDA!!...not like to do the same thing having fun...friends are awesome i got the coolest bunch, you probably know us as MECO'S to laugh and love people that can make me laugh...LOVE movies...Music is the shit, and its my life...i am 100% laid back and probably the easiest person to talk too...if you wanna talk to me just comment or message me any day... facts about me you might not want to know:i dont eat eggs without a fork, hate the movie RED LINE, i find it funny to clown on people, i think that the person who directed the movie RED LINE should die...really really really hate that movie, like learning how to play guitar, i play with my nipples when im bored, HaT3 !t Wh3N P30pL3 ThAT tALk LiK3 Th!Z, some songs make me cry, i cried when Chivas won the Championship, hate people that hate god there stupid, make up my own words or use words in different ways, love the mexican candy called NEGRITOS ,love to fake people out saying "dont step on that" , like going to Burger King and ordering a BIG MAC and and and probably one of the funniest guy out there, you wont really know me unless you REAllY know me know just take it all<<>>if you know me you can tell me what you think about me right there>>>>>>><>>>..><&
¨Y la gente piensa que he cambiado,
piensan que soy yo,
pero no se han dado cuenta que son ellos,
dame una mano para apoyarme en ti,
no es que este cansado estoy enfermo.¨ - Pastilla