Trying to ignore that little chip I have on my shoulder. Walking my dog. Falling in love. Tearing my life upside down, and building it back up again at least once a year. SKATE BOARDING! DayDREAMING, Riding bikes, Writing, Photography, Sushi (ahem, the kind from Japan.), cooking for people that I love, flirting, talking shit, constantly reinventing myself, loving people with all that I am... Making my own money, Spending my own money, Coffee. Minus the cigarettes please. Good sex. Playing with my cats. Help me, I have three! Rockin' out in my underwear! Wearing flowers in my hair. Vegetables. Preferably beets, heirloom tomatoes, and persian cucumbers. I'm a creature of habit, really. And of course, you know mama Celeste loves her older men. :)
Anyone with half a brain- but quite frankly, half isn't even necessary. JOKE! Seriously?? Edward Norton and Christopher Walken-- would I rip them both apart!
You know the basics: Neil Young, Fiona Apple, David Grey, Paul Simon, Pink Floyd, Elvis Costello, MotorHead, Imogen Heap, Michael Jackson (yes, you read correctly), Amber Kelly (brilliant, I tell u brilliant), anything SKA (Thanks Candace!), Jazz and Blues-- Shadee Nassar... Keep on doing your thing, MAN!! Citizen cope (takes me "there" everytime). And you gotta love the BRITNEY... I could watch her videos all day! GIVE ME ATMOSPHERE! O MY GAWD! GIVE ME MORE! uh uh uh... OK! I'm done now. UHHHHHHH!!!
Requim for a Dream, --""(fuck) PURGATORY HOUSE""--, anything w/ Cristopher Walken (my GOD--- is he sexy!) Fight Club (who doesn't love it?)Home videos???? Love Edward Norton. Broken Flowers. Alice in WonderLand. Practical Magic. Life Aqautic. ThumbSucker. Spinal Tap. First Wives Club. Step into liquid.
Rots your brain-- I'm telling you! Don't do it! What the hell-- I loved some show time and HBO shows. I have to admit that I gave up the cable quite some time ago. However I do reminise and look back foundly on: The Sapranos, WEEDS, Pimp My Ride, and the Discovery and Sci-Fi Channel. BUT SERIOUSLY! I REALLY DO HATE IT... LIKE I'M REALLY GOING TO GET OLD , LOOK BACK AND GO.... "YOU KNOW, I REALLY WISH... I REALLY FUCKIN' WISH THAT I HAD WATCHED MORE TELEVISION. "
The ones I'm writing... That's a tad arrogant. Let's see: "The only Bush I trust is my own", by Perial Ashembraund "The Cather in the Rye" "Cavalier and Clay" and "Intuition" by OSHO are a few favs.--"WRITING"-- often it is the only thing between you and impossibility. no drink, no woman's love, no wealth can match it. - Charles BukowskiYou know he's the motha-fuckin' man.
My baby brother, Charlie.. Charles Bukowski. My crazy ass father. All the men that I have ever truly loved. Jesus. Steve Mereu. Jamilton. Amber Kelly, and so many others... This is turning into a goddamn award speech, already.