katZ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

RULE .1: i'm very VERY addicted to RED.. wear red, and ur D-E-D!
neweiz, ppL say i socialyZ in a big friendly way, kya m always in hot water wen dat hapens..a curse maybe? or am i jz too charming? hAh jokeZ!! s0o i hv this big fake smile permanentLy stuck on my face,uL find my nose always under a book and if you find me drawin' (anime ROK on) watevr yea trip k0 or DEAD bored lng..
ppL say dey havn't seen me angry/upset yet, and as for RULE .2: im tellin you guys now,itz best if itz stayZ dat way..u rily rily RILY dnt wna see me upset, too scary 4 ur eyes!! RLY! itL haunt you 4ever!! no1 hs seen me upset bt my innerseLf and onLy yes ONLY love..
weL,i kin be rLy a sweet/patient/fun pers0n 1ce u get 2 knw me,s0o RULE .3: always ALWAYS stick 2 my good side if yah want the frend ur luking 4..i may b developing 3-second memory lose (joke lng folkZ) bt im one of thoz who nvr 4getz a face,a memory,a thought,a feeling,an emotion..
i may b fragiLe now,bt im always walkin' forward,nothing and RULE .4: no1 stopZ me from doing what i feel like doing (even if it means my life) and i NEVER let them unless they have every right to stop me..
aside from that, i'm just about yeg 5'1 or 5'2 tall.. black hair brown eyes that to most poeple say look rather japayuki, thai, korean and malaysian all the same i dunno.. as hobbies and interests- i luv CATS (don't worry it's not a rule) heheeh!! i hv whiskers nga kya...joke!! weL, thatz purr-retty all of me,was that all to morbid? kidding!! ingtz foLkZ!!
RULE .5: trust me, im harmLess.. KHISSSSSS!! *MHEAAAOOOOOOWWWW*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

makers of anime (dare me 2 kiss their feet i swear i'll do it), inhabitants of Dr. Magoo's island (i mean, who'd not want to be around cute furry animals?) and whoever invented the color RED (let them even paint me)!!

My Blog

first timers!!

eow..aint much here, same thing as friendster but hir u kn see hu's onLyn and more info on da person..s0o watevr, m jst tryin' dZ out 4 a friend..thank me i'm thoughtfuL rinoa-chan!! BLEHHH!! :P ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2004 20:08:00 GMT