Just when you thought, what else could Inasirkl be up to?We hit you with the new product man, HATCH DVD Magazine. (IMG/ Twin NYC Prod.)First issue to be released in Summer 07, HATCH DVD will be coming from a different angle to stand out amongst the DVD mag saturation in the streets these days!We want to educate the consumer, let them know how to be measure there success, promote there crafts properly and gain that buzz they need to get noticed by.With special industry insiders giving advice and speaking on experiences, artists and execs trying to get to next levels themselves, producers, DJ's, and unsigned artists all on their grizzly!! HATCH DVD Mag will surely be the new wave of digital presentation!! Not to mention all HATCH DVD Magazine issues will be accompanied by the official HATCH DVD Mixtape hosted by Bedtyme357 (Remy Ma's Official DJ)With the first issue currently in production, expect features from some of the biggest names in music and media....it's gonna be a hot summer!More info to come on submission opportunities, all inquiries should be directed to
[email protected] until further notice, thanks