Piercing McCraziness profile picture

Piercing McCraziness

So much for apologies...

About Me

I'm not that interesting really.

My Interests

Light Design, Zoo Tycoon, Sewing, Cooking, Sushi, Frozen Drinks that taste like Pixi Stix


Motion City Soundtack, NoFX, the Zombies, Van Morrison, Steve Miller Band, Bob Dylan


Boondock Saints, Jurassic Park, A Clockwork Orange, Super Troopers, Reservior Dogs, Jaws, Nightmare Before Christmas, Death to Smoochy, Gia, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Willy Wonka


Mystery Science Theater 3000, Family Guy, Lost, The Oblongs, Home Movies, Project Runway, Nip/Tuck, The Soup, South Park, Smackdown


A Clockwork Orange, Creepy Suzie and 13 Other Tragic Tales For Troubled Children, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Jurassic Park, Jaws


My Gradmother, Lisa, Angelina Jolie, the makers of Zoo Tycoon, My Father