I'm Casey. I'm a musician. Guitar. Vocals. Drums in a pinch...
I dig (old) hard rock and outlaw country. Musically and personally, my idol is Waylon Jennings. Some wear a crucifix around their neck; I wear Waylon's "flying W." Dig?
I play guitar in a few bands. I'm Steve Clark in Def Repplica, the Australian Def Leppard Tribute. I'm Dave "Snake" Sabo in Youth Gone Wild, the Australian Skid Row show. I am also involved with a few original projects.
I'm also in the process of starting a tribute to the Who. That one will feature me as Roger Daltrey. I'm quite excited about it. I realise I'm in rather a lot of tribute bands at the moment, but it's fun. Music is derivative. It always has been.
Comedy rocks. The Simpsons (nothing beyond season 9, really, though), Seinfeld, Fawlty Towers, Curb Your Enthusiasm (Larry David is a hero of mine), Mother And Son, Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, etc. These are shows that have had a major impact on my odd sense of humour. If you're a humourless individual, we won't get along. I take few things seriously. I admit this. I'm pretty happy most of the time. If it bothers you, well... sod off and enjoy your pessimistic wonderland. You bring the rain and I'll bring the parade. (Thanks, Dave!)
I do have a job and work a bit, yes. The less said about that, the better. I also teach guitar. It's quite awesome. I'm teaching a new generation of guitarists that a Floyd Rose and a single humbucker can take you far! Making cool whammy bar noises will never go outta style, man!
I can party pretty hard, although I like to stay out of trouble... mostly. Drunken louts are just that. Who wants to go to a bar and get into a fight? That's not cool. Fools. Mischief, however, is mostly acceptable... and long, pseudo-philosophical discussions are brilliant, even though my point and opinion will probably change several times throughout the evening.
As long as you can tolerate the excessive use of words such as "dig," "vibe," and "rockin'," come to a gig or something sometime and we'll have a blast! Check my calendar for upcoming shows. Come along and say hi. I'll buy you a drink and you can buy me three.
Wayl On!