Money and politics. I'm addicted to video games like most boys my age. I love learning and talking about religion. We're all wrong but I'll convince you I'm the least wrong when it comes to God.
God. Everybody else is just human right?
Heavy Metal and Hard Rock. I love Disturbed and NIN. I have a lot of respect for Dave Grohl and everything he touches. Anything that isn't some stupid ass pop or non-sense rap is cool. Not all rap is bad. I gotta give mad props to Cypress Hill and all of the Wu Tang Clan.
When Harry Met Sally, Scareface, Goodfella's, and Godfather. I love movies in general. I know what you are thinking about the chick flick I slipped in there. I'm cool with admitting that I love the scene when Harry admits that he loves Sally. That is true love people.
The Simpsons (the new episodes suck but it's the Simpsons so I'll forgive them.) Just about anything on Fox is cool with me. I like Smallville and Supernatural too. Heroes Rocks!
Well if you can read try anything by Anthony Burgess especialy Earthly Powers or Kingdom of the Wicked. I'm a huge Terry Brooks fan. I also love Terry Goodkind.
My Mom. That bitch is hardcore. Just ask my friends.