AndyB profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I cope with stress by chances are I'm at work right now...

My Interests

This and that

I'd like to meet:

A competent leader of the Labor Party...but lets be honest that probably wont happen anytime soon.In the meantime I'll list someone so strange you'll probably say what the fuck?So...ummm...Burt Bacharach...?


Varies on a daily basis, but I do like the Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, REM and bits & pieces from other bands/artists.


Where to start, I love all genre of movies from Thrillers to Noir. The movies I've enjoyed are to numerous to list here (with the exception of THE greatest comedy, Zoolander), however three movies that I feel have changed my life are Crash, Trainspotting and 2046.Currently I'm into those of the dystopian-fantasy genre


I'll keep it short and simple: -Family Guy -Drawn Together -Amazing Race -Arrested Development -Iron Chef


Favourite Book: Wuthering Heights Favourite Series: Lord of the Rings Most Hated Book: Cloudstreet Currently Reaading: Satanic Verses


Anyone who can end an international hostage crisis using a rubber band and a paper clip has my vote

My Blog

WTB new myspace theme PST!

I'm over it already...
Posted by AndyB on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:02:00 PST

That damn pic!

Me at my worst...2am...a 9 hr waitstaff shift about to yea...i still blame Ana! I shall have vindication!
Posted by AndyB on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:25:00 PST

Well it's finally happend

I've got/on mySpaces....
Posted by AndyB on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 06:54:00 PST