Name: Princess Jasmin
Star Sign: Virgo
Favourite Colour: So hard to choose: Red Orange or Orange Red (R.I.P)? Waiting for Spousal Abuse Blue to be inducted into the Crayola Hall of Fame.
Preferred Hair Colour: Hair: preferred. Colour: irrelevant.
Preferred Eye Colour: Ditto.
Favourite Food: So much food, so little time.
Hobbies: Wrestling innocent bystanders and deserving antagonists, thus releasing the tension from menu rage. (The anger that stems from omitted apostrophes and incorrect spelling e.g. advacado, cuppuchino and snitzel/snitchel/shnitzel….Does anyone else feel the same? Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s me.)
Most Romantic Moment: An 80 year old man hitting me up for a threesome and then telling me he’d really prefer a ‘duet’.
Person You Hate Most In The Whole World: My plastic surgeon.
Why: He refused to give me leg extensions.