Most would say they find me to be layed back, easy going, with a good but slightly sick sense of humor. I have a small close group of friends but truly enjoy just about everyone I know. I don't believe in posting too much personal information on the web so will leave it at I have been blessed to have some wonderful and very special people in my life. My most precious treasures are my dogs, Mazzi ( Ma-zee ),(Forever In My Heart) Czar and my new furchild, Tres. You can see them listed as my top three friends. Ya, I know it's a bit deranged to have a Myspace for your dogs but it's fun and more entertaining then a Myspace for ones self.For work I am a Police Dispatcher and have been a member of the Seattle Police Department for 28 years. I love the job as much now as the day I started.The most defining event in my life recently has been being a Cancer Patient and now a Two Year Cancer Survivor. Trust me if you are ever feeling your life sucks come down with the Big C and you will find out what the true defination of Sucks is..... things get put into purspective real quick. I have a whole list of things to do in celebration of this 2nd chance, started with going to the 'Justin Timberlake 2007 Futuresex/Loveshow' on my birthday last September. It was a great show and great fun and I wasn't even oldest person in attendance. God has blessed me with another birthday coming up next month, so I am now thinking of what I can do to celebrate this bonus of time. Hopefully it won't be anything that kills me or gets me into trouble. If it does you can bet that I had a damn good time, while it lasted.
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