universal awareness_driving at dusk/dawn_resurrecting things once forgotten_the romantic space between sleep deprivation and never leaving bed_excited patience_the feeling of complete and utter longing_tension/explosion ( dichotomy of )_morning coffee and conversation_inebriated epic cooking shows held in the kitchen_point dume!!!secret society coyote hikes_archiving history (( ubu.com_electric strings with endless loops_art bell_synonyms_vintage textiles_back and forth + leaving trails and covering tracks_cycles//rediscovery_laughter from a close distance_chance meetings_visual vibration_my flute and pedals_hands immersed in soil_cryptic fonts_interstice spaces in vocals_reverb/energy_composition_bike rides at dusk_privacy_spontaneity_acupuncture_calligraphy_afternoon espresso_thought process/translations_puzzles/patterns_open eyes_focused tangents_home recordings_collaborating_memoirs _taxidermy_tidepools_heart kaves_movement_texts in subscript_blood oranges_reviving watercolors on deceased paper_tarnished maps_sunstreaked cobwebs_great expectations_
____________________________________________________________ ________________________ prefer obscured lighting/ nights baths/ polaroids/ caves/ inked arms ///////////////// cosmic consciousness
sounds of rivers, trains, rivals, manes, bodies, dames, sleepless names.
cerebral,perspective shifting, escapist, truth shattering
...charlie rose...
revisiting: Rumi, Neruda, Sharon Olds, Joan Didion, Cosmic Trigger, Brautigan, Nanao Sakaki, Anthology of American Poetry,Ed Sanders, Daniel Pinchbeck, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Carolyn Forche.
bleeders of wine // ram dass // believers //