I've been up and down the four corners of this big old world, and I've seen it all and I've done it all. I've fought many a good man and laid many a good woman.and I've had riches,fame, and adventure, too. Yes I've stood eyeball to eyeball with death countless times and never , never once squinted. Oh I've tasted life to the fullest, and still my tortured soul cries out - more! MORE!!! Oh shit! Oh, oh, God, can there be any more?
I would like to meet my inner demon. I know he's there, just waiting to get out.
I have a WIDE taste in music. I love..LOVE heavy metal. old school stuff like Manowar, and Iron Maiden, and who could ever forget my dark god? DANZIG! at the same time, I also love Peter Allen, the flamboyant god of good times, and George Michael. Wham:Fantastic is still one of the best albums ever released. My choices are open to any veriety. it all depends on the mood of the being known as the Rebel Prince. in my player right now is .....wel...it changes on a whim!
Some favorites off the top of my head? hmmmm......Cemetery Man, Company of Wolves, god....I've so many favorite films.., Action movies are a guilty pleasure. the Stallones, Aaahnuld's old movies. you know, stuff like that.David Lynch films are becoming a staple of my free time.
I don't watch much TV, nothin good on anymore. Simpsons are always funny, can never go wrong with adult swim.
The Werewolf by: Montague Summers is my current reading material. I love comics. the Tin Tin series are really fun to read. as long as the art is good and the stories are great. Giacomo Casanova was also a wonderful writer, Laurel K Hamilton's Anita Blake series...I could go on and on.
In Memory of my Dad, and Uncle, 2 men who stuck it to the man like theres no tomorrow. and Sylvester Stallone. he's cool. Giacomo Casanova, a truely great man whom I relate to quite a bit. and of course..Rupert Everett. Just added,Peter Allen He's the kind of performer I always dreamed I would be.