♥ JENN Bunny profile picture

♥ JENN Bunny

I just want u to think of me, and miss me, when were apart...i just want u to hold me and love me wh

About Me

EGOTheAnestheticThatDullsThePainOfYourStupity* Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path..."JENN*s thE namE... I am a CaLi GUrL!!! ... even though i currently live in Sweet Home ALAbamiE... yes... it dOes suck ... but bEing here is kEEping mEEh* outta IRaq sO itS aLL goOd... I Love my Friends and I miss hanging out with them back hOme... bEing in the miLitary its hard to havE reaLLy gOOd friEnds becaUse mOSt the timE you dont want to gEt attachEd tO ppL sincE mOre thAn LikEly you or thEy wILL bE LEaving withiN a yEar Or twO... sO yeA.. anywayS.. Ill jusT gO ahEad anD tEll yOu mOre abOut MYsElf... I love the color PInk... I love MOnkees.... I think lady Bugs are cutE but hEre in the sOUth they are MEAN! I gOt bit by One sO.. anyways... My twO favorite alcohoLic Drinks right nOw arE Crown and Coke and ChocOLate MArtiniS... mmMMmm ... sO gOOD... I Love to watch cheesy disney mOvies.. I like playinG World or warcraft.. i dont care if you think im a geEk... hehe.. I Love SportbikEs.. they arE sooo hoTT... I love just doing fun thingS.. i like being spontaneous...crazy...wacky... siLLy...funny...i love smiling and laughing.. and if Im nOt smiLing sOmething Must bE wrOng... im Just a fun Person and want tO dO everything I can pOssibLy dO whiLe iM yOung... love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies
TennayaLayoutsI Love yOU DEE*What uP gUUUrL !
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I have hot friends.
My lil Bro
My Bitch

My Interests

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I LOVE YOU PRINCESS... see you in Heaven...
Cool Slideshows
Cool SlideshowshmMm.. I like to go to shows.. clubs.. play video games.. watcH mOvieS... umm control aircraft?? I guess I would have to like that since thats my jOb ! AND SNOWBOARDING* OFCOURSE !.. most of all I want tO learn how to fLy.. i wAnna bE a piLot!!.. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE Motorcycles ! I cant wait to get out to the track..... you dont even understand how bad ass it is until you see it for yourself.... its soooOOOoo much better live though.. Yea I know its wierd.. cuz Im a girl and I like bikes.. but what can I say.. I like to have fun, and if thats not fun then YOU dont know what fun is.. =)My BeautifuL Truck*The Barrets*One Drunken Night...

I'd like to meet:

Jesus* and a Jedi* My pirate name is: Calico Jenny Flint Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network


I likE aLL kindS of moviEs..aLL thE Star Wars episodes ! Lord of the RingS.. shRek.. Dazed and ConfuSed... Office Space... devils AdvOcate... MR and Mrs Smith!... AnchorMAn... Little Mermaid.. toy story 1 n 2.. goodfellas.. TOP GUN... Finding Nemo.. Edward Scissor Hands(awesome freakin movie).. . And just any funny movies... Anything with Jim cArey ... toM hankS... Johnny depp(hes hoTT)...Adam SandLer ... Will Farrel..and angEliNa Jolie... (shes sooooo hot) no im not a lesbian ! anywayS.. ooooh yea .. I Love JEssica sImpson in Dukes of Hazzard...
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Dont get to watch very much TV =( livin the military life.. ya know.. but when I do i watch poker.. yea I know its dorky but i gotta get good ! LOL these boys are kicken my butt over here ! I also love to watch UFC!!! Motorcycle racing..One Tree Hill..Gilmore Girls.. LOST... GREYS ANATOMY... desperate hOusewives ...and Laguna Beach when it was on. The Hills is awesome too!


The Bible and...umm my coLLege books...


Firefighters .....and my MommyYou like mY preTTy kiTTy?

My Blog

Just Here Thinking About You...

just sittin here.. thinking about you dad... i miss you so much and it still hurts... i went to candaces page just now... and couldnt stop seeing your face... i hug the monkey you gave me for valentin...
Posted by ♥Bella♥ on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 08:25:00 PST