Hockey!!! I like to go and actually watch the games. Happy hour anywhere. Enjoy the fights at the A la Carte. I will go Vegas in a moment's notice and kick your butt in Hold'em. New York twice a year is common. We stay up in the mountains of North Carolina playing golf any break from school. Driving fast with the windows down and the radio up.
Tall, tall, tall guys. The taller the better! Minus a 7'4" weak, sorry, lame-o. I don't have a certain type, but above average IQ and credit score are a plus. Bonus if you make me laugh. Ask questions and really listen to the answers. Don't talk about money, just have your shit together. Tell the truth, be a man!
I have a huge variety. Mary J and Justin are at the top though. Not the concert type, but it depends. Love the 80s.
I almost always prefer a comedy, but also need the scary ones too. (not alone though) No mushy chick flicks ever. The best movie of all time: Friday.
I absolutely love Seinfeld, still. The shows I have on tevo are: American Idol, Medium, Without A Trace, 30 Rock, Family Guy, Oprah, Nip Tuck, and Dirt.
2 favorites: Davinci Code & Angels and Demons. Also, The Secret
A self-made woman.