--SaRaH-- profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Obviously you know my name and age its right there so I can skip that. If you know me then you know Im fucked in the head! I live at home because Im a loser I dont know what I want in life and someday I will figure it out but till then Im LOST. I am not looking for anyone just friends so dont bother writing to me asking. I hate liars most of all so if you dont plan on telling me the truth then dont talk to me at all. The past is the PAST and you cant change it and Ive learned from my mistakes so if you hold it against me or judge me for it fuck off! Most of my friends are guys because I hate drama and I seem to get along with them better and NO I do not sleap with them. I am not a slut even though most people like to say I am but whatever let them talk all they want I could care less what anyone thinks of me you either you like me or you dont end of story. Im not a big family person, I dont care about people I dont know, I would never put my life at risk to save someone who I never met. I dont pretend to be someone Im not Im nice dont get me wrong but Im also honest and have no problem telling you how it is. Me and Ashley are the best, no one and nothing can come between us!Well yeahh that sums it up My sn is spongebobshoe420 so IM me chances are Im bored.
Fuck you all that wont understand
Be a man no more no less
Im just me no matter what you say
I am who I am What I am thats how I like it
Typical fucking lifeless clones
My attitude embrace my own
I dont care so just walk away and live your
I changed my font at pyzam.com

My Blog

500 Questions!!!

1.What time is it?  3:04pm Personal 2.Do you want to answer these?  Sure lol 3.Name?  Sarah 4.Name spelled backwards?  Haras5.What is your quest?  Dont have one 6.Nickname?...
Posted by --SaRaH-- on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:16:00 PST


You ever notice how cops walk around like there shit dont smell? They always think there better then everyone else. Let me tell you first hand I went out with a cop and he was the biggest asshole arou...
Posted by --SaRaH-- on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:38:00 PST