I love to spend time with my family. Their the most important people in my life! Spending time with Kris, Kailey and Killer is what I look forward to at the end of the day. I take care of baby, Kris works, Killer who knows (probably chew on his stuffed animals), but at the end of the day its family time. Along with that, I do crafts. It may sound dorky, but when I get really mad and just want to be alone, I do crafts, it calms me down. Gee! I sound like a Psycho! And the finished products usually go to my family members.
I like girly-girly movies. I just love how the two people in love always end up together, like its ment to be. I also like scary movies, but only if I'm with my beloved, Kris! Oh,my favorite disney movie is The Little Mermaid, Good cartoom love story!
Well every night when Kris gets home from work we watch King of the Hill, then Simpsons. Other then that I watch whatever looks good.
Right now I've been reading a lot. I really have nothing to do so to feel my time I read Mystery novels. Their the best! Me and my cousin Tanea have been reading each others books!
I'm my own hero! Who needs a hero when I got myself. I've been through a lot in my 22 years, enough to say that I'm greatful for what I've been though. And if I can't say myself then I would my Mom. She been there for me all my life and then some. She's a real Super Hero!