SUP@ BUBBL3 GUM WR@PP3D!!! profile picture


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About Me

HUSTLER/BITCH...and da World is MINE!Yeah i'm a Black Woman...that want's it all..and yes I'm getting all I ever wanted. Raised on the South Side of da Chi I got my Hustler ways from my Pops and he got it from his dad so you see dis Hustling shit is in my blood cause it did'nt start wit gramps. Now to be a female and hustler you got to be a BITCH!!! and If you don't fuck wit bitches then too bad cause i'm a pitbull in a skirt.My invited family I keep near to my heart and let me say it is few on my list cause I sit and and peep all the haters yeah dig! Yeah I hear ya and I might stay slient but that's cause I don't have to waste my breath to deal wit ya cause your already too cosumed wit me. For Real!!I'm this way partly cause I pledge one of the hardest chapters in ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY INC. ZETA CHAPTER ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY SPRING 94' #3 PROVOCATIVE LYNXOh and of course I'm educated so my mind ain't never slippin' cause I got my degree.To da rest well.. A smArtEr bItch cOUld'nt b A bEttEr hUstlEr girls layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests


MyHotCommentsAfter I completed my degree fron Alcorn in 1997 I went back to Cali and became homesick cause I missed my Sorority Life. Of Course I have Frats and Sorors out here but ain't nothing like my Chapter bros and Sis. So i'm sitting at home one day and I hear "Blue Phi" and I thought man I need to stop thinking bout "DA CORN" Then I started hearing P-H-I B-E-T-A S-I-G-M-A! So I got up and walked outside and in front of my car wa this guy steppin' (must have seen then Zeta plates). As I walked up to him and as he smiled and asked was that my car and was I a Zeta...I threw my sign up and from then on he was my Bro. There was nothing I would'nt do for him and vise verse. I was always told when I pledge that I would have Frats and I would have Bros, and of course there was a difference. Nard was my Bro...he was the uncle to my son like no other could ever be. On Thanksgiving 2006 we decided to cook a big dinner for all our friends and jus do it Big and that's we did. The Monday after Nard's life was taken. For My Brother Nard I dedicate this section of my page to you.Eternial Brother Kinara Herron # 2 "High Life" Spring 96'

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What is A Zeta Lady?A Zeta Lady is strong and determined. There are no forces of human powers that can stop her.A Zeta Lady means that she can be her own entity. There is no hatred in her heart.Being a Zeta Lady means that God is the center of her life. Her body is the housing of the holy spirit.A Zeta Lady is Love, for she is able to generate and receive love. She is peaceful, kind, and understanding.Being a Zeta Lady, means giving herself to others, asking for nothing in return.She is willing to sacrifice even her own lige for the liberation of God's people for His name's sake.Whatever she may accomplish, it's for the glorification of God's Kingdom.A Zeta Lady is creative and productive. God is the source of her strength.Being a Zeta Lady means that she can be the very best that she can be.Finer Womenhood is a gift from God. She knows that is she died this instant, all would be well with her soul.Finer Womenhood means wholeness in spirit, mind, and body.A Zeta Lady is an asset to her home, her church, her communityA Zeta Lady has a positive attitudeA Zeta Lady tells herself that she is beautiful.Now does that answer your question.MEMBER OF ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY SP. 94' PROVOCATIVE LYNX #3 I.D.G.A.F....STILL!I love my Bros PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY INC...Since 1914
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To all my pep Happy Friday..let's get dem $$ then get to da house to enjoy ourselves.
Posted by SUP@ BUBBL3 GUM WR@PP3D!!! on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:28:00 PST