dismiss any common or personal associations with the term "alien", utilize it to sum up the wide range of conundrums you came across throughout your journey on the train of serendipity. declare it as an aura, an aura of what you may refer to as void. now that you have an enigmatic nothing: personify in order to identify; attach all human components your spirit represents, generate your personal anthropomorphism, shed light on the invisible to make it breathe and wonder. see yourself as a metaphoar of what you formed from the clay handed to you, the alien you embody does not belong to the world man conceives, thus perceives and ultimately achieves what really deceives them. the alien (you) has a different function. its purpose relates to human psychology and man's position in the congruent circles of infinite existance - the task is not a matter of reconnaissance, rather does it require the ability to cure the ailments man strives to ignore. the aim is literally to enlighten man, acquaint humans with the truth humans are evidently part of as one of the congruent circles and free them from amnesia. keep in mind that this alien has now been replaced by you. in other words: how do you aproach this case? you can utilize both earthly and alien methods. again: the overall aim is to free man from obliviousness and make sure every single human being knows the truth. would you influence their mind? if you did, that is to say if you actually managed to enlightem them spiritually, could you be sure they really know the truth? or is it yet another assumption, a new intuition or simple brainstorm feeling they are blessed with but fail to verbalise or fathom? they may derive new perspectives on how to decorate their cage rather than feeling the freedom within void. after all you cannot be certain about their awareness, but that's not your fault, humans do anything in order to believe themselves, yet they never - how could they anyway? the other option you have is to take on human form to be able to physically communicate with them. the body is your code and all your properties will be converted to human idiosyncrasies. of course you would have to be born and learn how to interact with people, learn to appreciate their ways and do your job as soon as you have gotten used to the new mundane aroma. throughout this obligatory journey all you need is an impulse that reminds you of your function. yet that's all easily done. much harder would then be to convince the others of the truth, make it comprehensible. in order to do so, you would have to draw a congruent circle almost identical to the one the earth people draw by simply existing. if you do drift off into the actual nucleus of existance, they will stop to listen and you'll be left on your own. the question is: how do you convince a human being of what you know? and what is it you know?
i know way too much—to know that i know nothing
and i don't know enough—to know i know this one thing
in serenem