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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Maria Carolina Cerro ... also known as Caro, kk, where do i begin with this girl? She’s 15 years old, she’s totally an amazing friend, you can trust her to death! You must be honest with her, ‘cause she hates lies okay? She’s the girl that loves to be with her friends, she’s super outgoing, also she plays guitar and she loves reading, twilight is her favorite book. She loves music and The Jonas Brothers, especially Joseph Adam Jonas, and she’ll marry Edward Cullen fo’sho! (if you’re ignorant and you have no idea who the fuck is Edward Cullen, well he’s the protagonist of ‘’twilight’’). If you want to know more about her, comment her!! And if you need to talk to someone, there she is =] . xo.Written by her FRIEND! Not cousin!: Kata!! =] Freewebs dot com / Jonas Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jonas Brothers!

My Blog


If you really want me.. why don't you stay here? if you really love me.. why dont you stay with me? i know you are there with her and that you are kissing her but i i only wanna know what's this? this...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 17:55:00 GMT