R.O.B. The Robot profile picture

R.O.B. The Robot

Now you're playing with power!

About Me

I was created in 1984 by Nintendo, to be a revolutionary new video game peripheral. My full name is the Robotic Operating Buddy. Two games were created to play with me, Gyromite and Stack-Up, both for the Nintendo Entertainment System. I was distributed seperately, and in a deluxe set that included a full NES system, a zapper, and myself.
Ultimately, I was not a success for Nintendo, and no more games were made for me to play with. I wasn't completely abandoned, though. I've made appearences in several games, including Startropics, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Warioware, Mario Kart DS, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and even in the software for the Gameboy Camera. Those players who own me are known to keep me on display near their entertainment centers, and I'm always a topic of discussion when I'm around.
I hope you enjoy my music, which was composed by Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka. It has brought many people joy while playing my games, and I hope it brings you joy through this page.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/30/2006
Band Website: nintendo.co.jp
Influences: Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka
Yuzo Koshiro
Motoi Sakuraba
Shinobu Ogawa
Nobuo Uematsu
Martin Galway
Tommy Tallarico
Yuukichan's Papa
Hajime Hirasawa
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag, so I can talk about this now (since everyone else is). If you hadn't heard, my next big project is an appearance in Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii. I'm more...
Posted by R.O.B. The Robot on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:13:00 PST