Call me "Dose- Uno" profile picture

Call me "Dose- Uno"


About Me

Umm. . . simple, I am an EMT in Carlsbad and Now the newest edition to the Borrego Springs Fire Dept( EMT and Reserve Fire Fighter)! I love being out doors for any reason (workin', surfin', chillin', whatever. . .)I'm in school to persue Fire Fighting/ Paramedics and I'll be hear for a while! Bummer, I know. So. . .shoot me a message sometime. . .

My Interests

lotsa stuff. . .Surfing, snowboarding, jogging, rock climbing, hiking hills and mountains with just a backpack and water, weight lifting, swiming, boating, spear-fishing (one of my Favs.) And even Yoga! Ya, I do Yoga. Don't Laugh, it's cool! Movies, bon fires, Poker, board games, TWISTER!! Guitar, singing in my car, getting new suits, Rapping to songs I don't know, Lifeguarding (saving lives where ever I am) swim lessons with toddlers, photography, making random videos of road trips (Mammoth) And I really want to learn to Scuba dive!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a pulse and a love for activity outside the house! Surfing, snowboarding, jogging, rock climbing, hiking hills and mountains with just a backpack and water, weight lifting, swiming, boating, spear-fishing (one of my Favs.) And even Yoga!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



coming soon. . .


coming soon. . .


Coming soon. . .


The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker ( Black, Red, and White)


Every Fire Fighter I've ever met.

My Blog

When The Lord Made Paramedics

.. When The Lord Made Paramedics When the Lord made Paramedics, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."And...
Posted by Call me "Dose- Uno" on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 02:31:00 PST

My Prayer

Serenity Prayer God  give  me  the  serenity To  accept  the  things  I  can  not  change, The  strength  to  change  th...
Posted by Call me "Dose- Uno" on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:10:00 PST