lotsa stuff. . .Surfing, snowboarding, jogging, rock climbing, hiking hills and mountains with just a backpack and water, weight lifting, swiming, boating, spear-fishing (one of my Favs.) And even Yoga! Ya, I do Yoga. Don't Laugh, it's cool! Movies, bon fires, Poker, board games, TWISTER!! Guitar, singing in my car, getting new suits, Rapping to songs I don't know, Lifeguarding (saving lives where ever I am) swim lessons with toddlers, photography, making random videos of road trips (Mammoth) And I really want to learn to Scuba dive!
Anyone with a pulse and a love for activity outside the house! Surfing, snowboarding, jogging, rock climbing, hiking hills and mountains with just a backpack and water, weight lifting, swiming, boating, spear-fishing (one of my Favs.) And even Yoga!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
coming soon. . .
coming soon. . .
Coming soon. . .
The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker ( Black, Red, and White)
Every Fire Fighter I've ever met.