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Its a wiskeything

About Me


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----------------------------------------------------------- the devil went down to goergia he was looking for a thanksgiving deal he was loosing his mind cuz it didnt look good he was just looking for a meal when he cam across a young girl chewing on a turkey and it look hot and the devil feel from mal nutirion and said girl let me tell you what i geuss you didn't know it but i am just as hungry as you and if you care to share that leg ill make a bet with you now you eat a pretty fine turkey girl but give the devil his due a bet a leg of gold agains your soul cuz damn im hungry too the girls said my name is autum and it my bee a sin but i take that bet your going to regreat cuz im about to eat again "

My Interests

Just so you know i am one...



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My sister....She has always been a great person, and if anyone ever thinks of hurting her Just remember........I will kick your ASS

My Blog

You want to make fun of me read this!

I am absolutely terrified to get on the plane thursday....I am a hughe pussy when it comes to flying. I get it i know...everyone is scared of flying......but not everyone is as likely as i am to be ar...
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:58:00 PST


So some people have deleted me from there page, althought this might hurt other peoples feelings its just a bigger incentive for me to write a bulliten then send it directly to bite me! ...
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 02:51:00 PST


Dear people,If you read my other bullitin about how miserable i am and how i wanted to make other people miserable then you relized that i am either really damn funny or your feelings were hurt and yo...
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 06:11:00 PST

DO you really want o know what i think!!!

Yeah i know i am a jerk Deal with it! First my sister: hey stop making me read your damn poems My best friend: I would rather be an ass then a nugget! The guy who lets me graze at his station( you kno...
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

My Heart hurts have any answers? Any one?

I love my boyfriend and it pains me to start this blog in such a way but just deal with it. Right now my boyfriend and I miss eachother very much, although i can't speak for him this is what he tells ...
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:21:00 PST

What some come get some.....

I had a thought today. If you every listen to johnny cash's verson of hurt you get a feeling of impowerment. Well at least i do. I have just recently relized that life is in itself its own meaning.......
Posted by Its A Wiskey Thing on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:04:00 PST