About Me
I'm a hairdresser and an auntie from Minneapolis and I've decided to follow my dreams of living abroad. I'm living in Madrid, Spain. Everyday I figure out on little peice of the puzzle. I'm striving to integrate myself into a new culture while not forgetting who I am. I love yoga, bicycles, friends, birds, mullets, babies, dogs, nature, balance, the metro, music, spontaneity, a quiet night at home, staying out till 4 a.m., equinimity, healthy food, shows, rollerskaters, puppet shows, walks in the woods, alone time, good company, styling hair, cobblestone streets, balance, occasionally eating cookies for breakfast, breaking my own rules, finding discipline, learning about new cultures, homeostastis, passionate people, making new friends, running into old friends, being my own best friend, sleeping in, lazy sundays, people watching, being independent, asking for help when I need it, loving life, looking on the bright side, just being.