As Tight feat. E.B.S
Im Money
Lawrence Gray, Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas on 9/9/79, is a new artist aiming for the top spot witch he dubbed the "peak".
Being an artist never entered his mind while growing up and attending Kitty Hawk Junior High and later Judson Rockets High School. He planned on playing football but as fortune has it he wouldn't be able to due to having a tumor removed from his brain at the age of 6. With that, he decided to excell in basketball which in turn made him part of the "in crowd".
With his single mother of two watching over him, and his father, soon to remarry her, they made a decision to move to St. Louis to be closer to family and to take their two sons away from the bad crowds they were getting mixed up in.
Once here in St. Louis, at age 17, he still played basketball but felt as if he was a stranger to the community. That lead for him to get mixed up with the wrong people and later, when he had to switch schools, caused him to put basketball on hold. After being kicked out of his house, he chose to live a street life. Living in the fast lane and not being able to study, he soon dropped out of Community College. After being in jail several times, he found himself back at home with nothing to show for it. Plenty of times he joked, with his peers, about rapping but never thought about it seriously. But once he moved home at 22, his younger bother 18, said that he had a plan to pursue rapping.
With that they decided to go for their dreams and do whatever was necessary to get them where they needed to be. With plenty of practicing he found that he was good at putting words togeather. Showing off his skill at the Red Sea and even crushing competition at party scenes, they became deeper involved in their craft.
Now, with his younger brother locked up, he is carrying their dreams to break onto the scene. What is to come of this artist known as "LG"? Who knows, but he won't stop till his voice is heard!