Hanging with my dogs and eating mexican food!
Indie stuff and older stuff.... not too often I hear a song on the radio these days and really like it. Thank god for Sirius! Some CD's you might find me listening to now are: Death Cab for Cutie, the Decemberists, Bright Eyes, Karate, the Cure, the Smiths, Modest Mouse, Ryan Adams, Wilco, Radiohead.
The Goonies (only Nazi's hate Goonies!), The Princess Bride, Garden State (Great Soundtrack, too!), Eternal Sunshine..., What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Elf, Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman...
Not real big on TV.... I only catch a few things.... 1.) American Idol - I'm a total dork! and 2.) Big Love - Gotta love those crazy morms! I almost forgot my favorite... 3.) The Office!
Defintiely Tim Horton. Not for the hockey, though... for the coffee and those highly addictive Vanilla Cream donuts!