3rd Stone Bookings INFO
After six years working as a volunteer in a small venue called OJV de Koornbeurs, booked there a lot of (inter)national underground bands, set up some tours and managed some bands it became time to go straight for 3rd Stone Bookings. 3rd Stone Bookings will set up tours for international bands through Europa or can arrange your last needed show to fill up your tour. 3rd Stone Bookings is co-working with some international well known booking offices and a lot of international bands like 3Speed Automatic, Buckweedz, Dexter Jones Circus Orchestra, The Chuck Norris Experiment and many more.If you want to play in the Netherlands with your band, feel free to ask 3rd Stone Bookings.
3rd Stone Bookings
Tjalling FransenBinnenwatersloot 25a
2611 BJ Delft
The Netherlands