Greetings, my children!
I am Tribulation. The name Tribulation refers to a period of time filled with much agony and pain. Guidance provided by me that you have read and will read consistently hold close to my name.
My purpose is to expose and bring to light the realities of this world we are living in. Our existence is not rose-colored and flowery, and the ideal of a perfect world will never be. The last time I checked, Utopia is a city in Upstate New York. I will open your eyes to any atrocitiy, absurdity and stupidity that comes to my attention. As we all know, many happenings fit into more than one of those categories.
Jesus the christ once said that we must become like children before entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Regardless of your religious beliefs, this phrase by Jesus the christ is also referring to the life we lead each day. If we become like children in our everyday existence, we attain true understanding and the closest thing to peace that this world can provide.
What he recommended is not impossible, but with a little effort may be attained by all of you, my children. The world is indeed not perfect, is at times terribly asinine and is full of pain and misery. It is our individual mindsets and understanding that shape our reality.
To become like a child, the perfect place to start is by reading "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery.
With the knowledge and understanding that you will acquire from reading this book, you will be prepared to embark upon the next necessary step.
Following in the steps of the philosopher Renee Descartes, you need to reject everything you think you know and everything you believe in. By starting anew, you can then decide for yourself the elements that shape YOU, as opposed to what you have been told comprises the elements that make you who you are. You will find that the world you thought you knew is something else entirely.
I can hear the verbal and mental inquiries; who am I, you ask? My "identity" is irrelevant; it is not important now, nor has it ever been. I am you. I am he. I am she. We are one. The point of these writings is to free your mind, to partake in free thinking, the sharing of free ideas and thinking for yourself - in other words, taking advantage of that little freedom known as Freedom of Speech. Taking advantage of everything this freedom provides and utilizing it to the fullest. Doing anything less is a waste of your humanity.