Pak Tsung profile picture

Pak Tsung

haTe bEinG alOne!

About Me

Well,i duNno waT to sAy,y nOt u jUst tAlK tO me sTraigHt aWay?beTter riTe?aNd fOr tHose wHo knOw mE,plS shhhh!!!!

My Interests

dUnNO?basket balL i liKe playing it.hmm? scOuting? i aM a ScoUT muahaha!

I'd like to meet:

wHateVa aS loNg aS u cAn taLk,tYpe,tHinK,whTevA!!


acTually i luV all kindA musIcs.muAhaha but lInkIn pArK rulez!


anY mOvie wIll be FinE foR me...


oH my God!!!Mtv and channel [V] is so coOl.Amanda is so so so preTTY!!!= )


i HaTe reAding!sO duN ask....


mE,mYself aNd I!!!!cooL huh?

My Blog

hOpe tht i cAn meet yA alL bAck

hEi,yeah yeah this is a new year.I really hope tht i will be able to meet back all my high school friends in 5sc2 and 5sc1...and for those from other schools aLSO!!!!i miSs u all as well.Life is so da...
Posted by Pak Tsung on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST