My interest are silversmithing, beading, historic preservation and urban design.
Let's just say I make cds with Frank Sinatra and Tupac on them. And I enjoy them equally. Don't let mix some Sergio Mendez, Tony Bennet and Nas along with little New Orleans bounce, I'm in music heaven. I like all kinds of music. Lately I find myself musically deprived, i just listen to new throwback joints that'll bring the soul out off President Bush.
My favorite movie is Black Orpheus. Then the Color Purple, The Five Heartbeats, Jumanji, Jurassic Park I-III, Independence Day, The Rock, Roots, The Mummy, Gladiator, Brown Sugar, and anything with Richard Pryor.
News, The Chappelle show, News, News. I feel cable needs a disaster channel.
Creole, The Creolization of Louisiana, New Orleans topography and ridges, Black New Orleans, Congo Square, Langston Hughes short poems, Colonial Louisiana, the Slave Trade, Community Planning, The history of the City, How the other half lives, Too many!!!!!
Civil rights activists, Rescue Workers, Teachers, People who "logically" express their opinions (no wrinkled foreheads following response)