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About Me

Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts
Cyber Name: --------------------TriniKid
Age: ------------------------------ Do the math, Cause I forgot...
Birth date: -----------------------20th of October
Place of birth: -------------------Crooklyn in 1973
Siblings: -------------------------One sister, a year younger
E-Mail: -------------------------- [email protected]
Fav. Name Brand: -------- They aint helping me so I aint helpin.. them
Fav. Past time: --------- Video Game and Computers, and spending time with my woman when I have one.
Fav. Woman: -------------- My Mommy
Fav. Quote: ------------- What ever happen don't let go of my hands....
Fav. Day ------------- Any day I am not working.
Fav. Drink ------------- Coke, Vitamin Water (Power-c/ Dragon Fruit) Water.
I do not look like Carlton from the fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I do not look like Wane Brady.
I am not into game.
I do not understand why youhad to go to my picture page before you contiued to reading what I had to say.
I do not like wasting time.
I do not waste my money on name brand clothing.
I do love my mom. :-)
I do not understand why is it if you have one neck why wouldn¿t you wear one chain on it at a time?
I do have a job.
I do not have kids.
I do vote.
I don..t smoke.
I do want kids.
I do not want a baby momma.
I do wish to get married.
I do not club.
I do wish I could win the lotto.
I do feel like all I ever do is wake up go to work come home prepare for work the next day and go to sleep.
I do love my video games.
I do not like the 2 hour commute from home to work.
I do hate when you are about to do something and a telemarketer calls.
I do not like sea food.
I do like to see food.
I do think about what I would be doing right now if I won the lotto.
I do have an itch on my %#&@$! right now but because the people next to me might get disc gusted and move to another seat.
I do treat every the way I want to be treated.
I do enjoy more room after the people next to me left. Now I just have to go wash my hands.
I do have more girl friends then guy friends.
I do not believe in god.
I do believe in a goddess.
I do wish you had a picture of your self on your page that was taken recently.
I do not want your telephone number if I don..t know you.
I do not just give my cell # just cause you ask for it.
I do not answer the phone if I don..t know who it is.
I do not go to church any more.
I did get back problems for that uncomfortable church bench.
I do not understand why fortune teller asks you if you want them to read your future, because they should know the answer already.
I do not drink.
I do hate when people wait till they get to the window of a drive thru to take out there money like it was a big surprise that they need to pay.
I do like apple juice but do not like apples.
I do wonder why there are so many tampon and maxi pad commercials on TV. Is a wide spread problem?
I do not cheat.
I do not like reggae ton.
I do hate to see T.V¿s in the head rest of small ass cars.
I do not understand why jack asses still have their pants sagging.
I do not like green eggs and ham. I don..t thing it is safe to eat, that is probably why the Cat Lives In That Dam Hat.
I do not understand how it is possible for the US to taking care of everyone else in other countries but there are so many people in the US that need help.
I do not understand why they have those TRUTH commercials. At this point all the stupid people that want to smoke know that they are going to die sooner then non smoker.
I do not know why you need identification to get identification. If I had I had identification I would not need identification.
I do not understand where the hell %#&@$! goes. Ok you flush the toilet and it goes down the hole into the sewer. It can¿t stay there because everywhere would smell like crap.
I do not understand how you could wake up and know what day it is, but you don..t have enough sense to get yourself up instead of just thinking to yourself I will just sleep another 12 more minutes.
I do like learning with my hands.
I do not understand why it is not until you are no longer liked that you want to start liking the person that does not like you any more.
I do not understand why I wanted to grow up so fast as a kid, just so I could get some mail in my name.
I do not understand how you did not pay your bills to the point that the credit card companies are calling your phone and leaving you messages on your voice mail saying "Don..t let me catch your ass in the street.
I do notunderstand why people are still trying to do that one windshield wiper thing. Listen your busted ass Sentra, Galant, Matrix will never be a big body Benz. How long does the passenger in you car have to sit next to you and see half a clean glass?
I do think that De La Soul is the best group of all times.
I do not understand how 50cent album sucks so badly.
I do not understand why females can understand the logic of a long line. Ok for a while I did not understand why there is always a line leading into the ladies rooms. Then it came to me If only the female that had to use the bathroom went there would not be any lines.
I do not understand why they don..t make port-a-potties that you can lock the door. Instead of you having to crotch and pull the door close.
I do under stand why people try to use the bathroom as fast as they can when they are in an air plane bathroom.
I do trust until you give me a reason not to.
I do not let others stress me because there are more important thing for me to be thinking about you stupid little insignificant ass.
I do think I am going to beat my kids, if I ever have any.
I do wish they would even think about calling the cops on me because they think I am abusing them.
I do believe that if I was not beat when I was a kid, I would be one of those little hoods roaming the streets trying to get a reputation.
I don..t understand why they play the same songs on the radio 24/7. Hell I hear that Chris brown song so much that I catch my self walking down the block busting out dancing like a dance crazy crack head. Is it only me?
I do not understand why I went to Mc Donald¿s and saw Calvin and he was sweeping the floor.
I do not understand why they took off Boston Public.
I do not understand why show off..s don..t take of tags off there shirts, bags, sneakers, hats,pants, gloves, and belts. I really don..t care to see what brand that you are wearing or car that it is new.
I don..t understand why is it they came out with those cellular phone that play music. To everyone that is reading this. IT is a phone not a boom box. There is no need to try to turn the volume up load so everyone could hear you crappy boot leg phone. If you are one of those people that think it is cool to blast your music on your phone do me a favor and take an empty paper towel roll and hold it to your ear and walk around listen that how it sounds to me when u try to crank up your phone. I am trying to sleep on the train Mr./ Ms. inconsiderate.
I don..t understand why people run away from the cops when they see the TV camera guy that tapes Cops running alone side the cops. Now I saw enough Cops on TV to know that they catch the majority of people trying to flee on the series. So people when you see the cops chasing you and the TV crew is with them just give up. FYI. They love using their tasers on TV.
Why is it when I sit I can..t sit with my legs closed and when I try my leg start to stiffen up. Hell all the guys I see on this train looks like the have the same problem.
I don..t understand why people where the blue tooth ear piece when they are not talking on the phone. Really do you get that many calls that you need to leave it in? Or what about those fools that are on the underground trains that know they don¿t have service and leave it in?
I do love my dad.
I do not understand why it is when you doo doo you have to piss. But when you piss u don¿t have to doo doo.
I do not understand how you could be waiting for an elevator and have already press the down and know that the down button is pressed because down button is lit up. But some one would see you waiting for the elevator and see the down button is press and still press it like it is going to come any faster.
I do not understand why people sleep on De La Soul.
I do not understand why it takes so long to make money but it takes so little time to spend it?
I don¿t understand why the hell the smelliest people inthe train away want to sit next tome and have a conversation.
I do not understand why it is so funny to see people at the bust stop when is snowing snow balls, but it is not funny when my car is broke and I am standing at the bus stop while is god is having a snow ball fight with me.
I don..t understand why Christmas do feel like the way it did when I was growing up. Hell I use to get up at the crack of dawn when I was younger. This past Christmas I got up at 2pm. Hell it was like I missed it.

My Interests

I am interested in you. (FEMALES)

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Lynn Whitfield. Yes I said Lynn Whitfield with sexy, evil look. All I need is one kiss to have her hooked.



De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Mos Def & Talib Kweli, Common, Prince Paul, Bush Babees, BogieMonsters, Slum Villiage, MF, Doom, J-Della, The Roots, Masta Ace, & Little Brother.


Car Wash, The Color Purple, Booty Talk series (Porn) :-)


Most of the stuff on Tech TV. I am A Tech TV junkie. Cold Cases, Court shows, Seinfeild,


Secrets of Western Tantra


Super Mom, Super Dad & Super Sis
