KOBUN PANDA profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name =Vaylon Calica. I am both Native American and Filipino. I live in the hellish haven that is Browning, Montana. For centuries I've waited here because I missed the first comet ride. just kidding. I am quite ambitious for an underachiever. I play guitar for Nothing Survives; A band my friends and I started long ass time ago. My interests include a number of things. The first is obviously music. Love it. alright screw the capitols. to be a career musician is still my fantasy. but in all honesty its just a great experience performing. i want to make music forever. oh right collecting musical instruments and equipment turned into a hobby of mine but its an expensive hobby. i love to tinker with many instruments. who knows maybe i'll become adept with them sometime in my life. but guitars still come first and foremost. besides music i enjoy visual arts. i've flirted with many mediums but my favorite and most dangerous weapon is ms paint. I still have dreams about making my own cartoon or animated film someday, but this dream i want on the back burner for now. so we got painting and music that leaves martial arts, sleeping, guns, and video games, anime,

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

See: Arch Enemy

My Blog

checking in okay lets not waste anytime

So a few weeks ago maybe, actually it was halloween; My good buddy whats his face?....Eddie yeah thats the (insert something good) I was talking about, Him! he showed me this Alice in chains cover by ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 03:24:00 GMT

ageless wisdom pony boy style

so yeah quarter mile. awesome thats gotta be an achievement especially in browning. no pun intended i guess.  a turning point? a pivotal moment? from what I learned from my experiences, Only if I want...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 01:53:00 GMT

Tumultuous tranquility sleepy style

so contemplation is in order. I'm still the same person. perhaps a little more jaded and more hollowed out from making gravel angels, but the same person none the less.  It doesnt feel like I've caugh...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:59:00 GMT

Dont call it a comeback Texas crazy horse style

so internet seeks me out this time.  i havent fallen out of your clutches for too long.  great to be back. sorry KUZN's i dont think my internet is fast enough to squad up but no harm in trying right?...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Oct 2009 02:20:00 GMT

hurray for texas toast bovine style

went to the doctor and he said there is land and oppurtunity out westjust kidding IHS told me i should be fine in a month i hope theys right. the movement in my arm is only limited in my shoulder i ca...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Oct 2009 22:33:00 GMT


hell yeah i think i tore my shoulder. 
Posted by on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 00:47:00 GMT

sequal 2 the return of returning human style

vegas is huge at night. i wish i could have seen it when the mob still ran the joint. I never thought I'd see san diego again but another blessing has shined upon me.  going south on the west coast by...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Sep 2009 00:24:00 GMT

kittens covered in cotton candy

so part of me is saying "I want to go home." and another part simply replies "And where would that be?"
Posted by on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 17:27:00 GMT

blah blah blah

so yeah things are things and the going goes. i still have a pulse and i could say a few more things in other languages. other then that everything else doesnt require updating.  we played at the summ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 15:13:00 GMT

happy saint fourth of july day

so yeah i hope you have fun watching colorful gunpowder and other substances try to defy gravity but grav wins so they make one final hurrah and esplode (explode)
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 21:27:00 GMT