First and foremost I am a child of God's. I am a 5 point Calvinist. I believe in reformed theology and the 5 pillars of the Christian Reformation (aka the 5 solas). "What's that?" you say...well, it's quite extensive to explain. Basically it's what I believe as a Christian. Its salvation by grace through faith alone. If you want further detail, do what I did and start reading and KNOWING what you believe. If you want any suggestions on some theology books, just ask :) But usually the Bible is a good place to start.
I've recently discovered that I am slightly OCD about random things, I'm extremely competitive, I'm pretty forward with people, and something isn't funny I will probably find it funny in some form. Other than that, I'm a normal, average, everyday person. I get by with finances provided by the Ophthalmology office I work at. So here's what I like: learning about God, thunder storms with rain, new growth in the spring, cute purses, Valentine's Day, staying up late with friends and sleeping in late the next day, witty humor, old people (unless they are driving), kids, my smile, playing with make-up, pulling up to my house after a bad day, coffee at any time of the day, driving in my car with all the windows down and listening to a good cd, having a crush, random people calling me and leaving funny messages, pretending I'm a lyrical dancer in my living room, doing crazy things with my hair, vanity, sarcasm, shopping, doing nice things for other people, cheer aerobics, my church family *rep'n the XA*, people watching, hearing a guy genuinely laugh (especially on the phone), songs that say exactly how I feel, people with slight speech impediments, and good hair days. Here's what I don't like: Smelly feet, bad breath, ear wax, people that drive with their turn signal on, men who are passive(such a turn off), the smell of stale cigarette smoke or coffee, car problems, money, unappreciative people, and liars/decievers/manipulators
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!