10/40 IMPACT profile picture

10/40 IMPACT

IMPACT THAILAND Delegates reunite here!

About Me

OBJECTIVES OF CONGRESSTo celebrate and conclude the youth involvement in services to the communities in Thailand. To maximize the skills of both foreign and Thai young people as they work together in the development and improvement of the Thai communities through service projects. To create a mutual understanding and cooperating spirit through cultural exchanges between foreign and Thai young people while serving the Thai communities together.

My Interests

10/40 IMPACT World Conference on Youth and Community Service Bangkok, Thailand December 18, 2003 - January 3, 2004

I'd like to meet:

The World Youth Congress will convene in Bangkok, Thailand from December 18 - January 3, 2004. The event is an ambitious project sponsored by the World Youth Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church in cooperation with its organizations based in Thailand, the Mission College, the Seventh-day Adventist Medical Foundation, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the Ekamai International School and the Youth Department of the Thailand Mission of Seventh-day Adventists.An approximate attendance of 2000 youths from around the world will participate in this noble cause. Prior to the congress young people (Ages 16 - 30) from every continent of the world will have a one full-week (December 18-30, 2003) hands-on exposure in youth-oriented service programs to the community in Thailand.


SCOPE OF ACTIVITIESAssisting youth to be winners in the area of at-risk behaviors such as unsafe sex, drugs, violence, AIDS, etc. Provide existing and potential youth and their leaders with training and on-the-job experience to assist the people of Thailand.