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My score on The 3 Variable Funny Test :
the Idiot Savant
((42% dark, 53% spontaneous, 57% vulgar))
your humor style:VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHTYou like things silly, immediate, and, above all, outrageous. Ixne on the subtle word play, more testicles on fire, please. People like you are the most likely to RECEIVE internet forwards--and also the most likely to save them in a special folder entitled 'HOLY SHIT'.Because it's so easily appreciated, and often wacky and physical, your sense of humor never ceases to amuse your friends. Most realize that there's a sly intelligence and a knowing wink to your tastes. Your sense of humor could be called 'anti-pretentious'--but paradoxically enough, that indicates you're smarter than most.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Johnny Knoxville - Jimmy Kimmel
Name: Thomas
Birthdate: 4/6/67
Birthplace: Sterling, Ill
Current Location: Kent, WA
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200
Piercings: Ear
Tatoos: Not Yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not Yet
Overused Phraze: Spoon
Food: Almost All
Candy: Not so Much
Alcohol Drink: Yes
Body Part on Opposite sex: Ass
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Burgerking
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Not so Much
Kiss or Hug: Doin It
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rock
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: Money
Bedtime: When I decide to go
Most Missed Memory: College
Best phyiscal feature: I have no Idea
First Thought Waking Up: I need some more sleep
Goal for this year: Money
Best Friends: 2 they know who they are
Weakness: A really nice ass
Fears: Yes I have some
Heritage: Little of this--Little of that
Longest relationship:
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: yes
Pot: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been beaten up: Yes
Ever beaten someone up: Yes
Ever Shoplifted: Yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yes
Been Dumped Lately: Yes
Favorite Eye Color: Any
Favorite Hair Color: Any
Short or Long: Any
Height: Any
Style: Any
Looks or Personality: Yes
Hot or Cute Yes
Drugs and Alcohol: Yes
Muscular or Really Skinny: Yes
Number of Regrets in the Past: Couple
What country do you want to Visit: Australia
How do you want to Die: Not real soon
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Get along with your Parents: Yes
Health Freak: Not so Much
Do you think your Attractive: I am freakin Hot
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Want to go to College: Did that
Do you Smoke: Yes
Do you Drink: Yes
Shower Daily: I try
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: Cant
Want to get Married: Been there
Do you want Children: Done that
Have your future kids names planned out:
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: That ship has sailed
Hate anyone: Yes