I love animals. I have four dogs-Peanut, Bernie, Judy, and Ramsey. I also have a pot-bellied pig named Abigailand two cats-Sam and Lila. I also like carp fishing and going to the movies.
People who are fun like me.
My favorite band is Rusted Root. I also like to watch American Idol. My friends and I like to sit around and watch those pbs specials too.
My dad is like the king of movie trivia, so I like cinema a lot too. Some of current favorites are The Legend of Ricky Bobby, The Benchwarmers, and Grandma's Boy. My all time favorites include Clerks, Napoleon Dynamite, Joe Dirt, and The 40 Year old Virgin. I like pretty much any chick flick and I love scary movies.
I like reruns of Seinfeld and Friends. Roseanne is my favorite. Currently I enjoy House, Bones, and Survivor.
My favorite book is Still Life with Woodpecker. I also like to read a lot of non fiction and books that have movies based on them. I like to read magazines and do crossword puzzles.
My dad and my stepmom Amanda. They do whatever it takes to take care of their family. They are the best.