music layout @ HOT
Once upon a time a long long time ago I was born in Lincoln hospital in the Bronx. Then lots of years past and I ended up here at STAC. Where everything went wrong I still don't know! Nah seriously about me is about one thing and one thing only and that is Baseball. I am not saying anything else because I would never stop writing ;) I am very athletic or so i think i am. METS METS METS. Being a gym rat is something that I have been accused of. umm yea i cant remember anything else so stay tuned...Ok So now its 07 and just to talk about myself a lil. Now-a-days i'm all about being on top of my game and my game is getting bigger and better everyday. It's all about having fun, doing my thing in school and making that guuap. I'm fun to be around cause i love to clown around and i'm almost always with a smile on my face cause i'm young and doing the dam thing. Anything else you need to know u can always ask...