Seed profile picture


noun: seed--that which provides inspiration for later work

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I grew up in these, the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania. Although I came to Florida 20 years ago seeking my fortunes, the mountains will again one day be my home. I'm happiest when I'm slamming away in a tightly locked drum circle. I prefer traveling with someone that's close to me. I hate being in one place too long, unless there is plenty of distraction so that I don't notice. I'm working towards the goal of having the freedom to live an RV lifestyle, whereas I can stay on the road for as long as I like. I wish to travel to music festivals, drum circles, or anywhere kynd souls gather in peace to share rhythms/exchange cultural beliefs and customs. I want to spend more time with distant family and friends. It has long been my philosophy that the richest man, is the one with the most time to spend.

My Interests

Travel is my current interest, probably because everything else that I want to do, involves it. I love the energy and spirit of Jamband, Blues, and Bluegrass music festivals. I like the mountains, in all seasons. I like to snow ski, as well as climb, hike, and camp, in the mountains. I play djembe drums, as well as Djun Djun's and other percussive instruments. I'm always interested in encouraging others who wish to learn to drum. I'm learning to play didgeridoo when I'm not drumming. I like good coffee, dark chocolate, and quality distilled spirits, taking all in moderation...most of the time. ;) Staying healthy and energetic means eating sensibly, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep in between the drum circles.

I'd like to meet:



a high school teacher who kicked me out of the school weight room once when I was there after hours, explaining that since I was no longer a student there, that I should consider joining a gym. I did that and have been interested in fitness ever since. Teachers deserve much respect.