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About Me

In my position, I am sometimes compromised by the fact that Moscow does-not-always tell me everything.
"Author: Voltek
Date: 07-14-07 14:41
Acid night with not a 303 in sight. Acid is transcending the 303. Good. In fact, only a nobhead would spend £8-900 on a 303 these days. If you got one in '94 for £125, nice one, thats about what they're worth.
If you ask me (which you didn't but whatever) acid is the electronic equivalent of punk - no talent, no money, no brains, just balls and some fucking attitude. Poor fuckers in Chicago who couldn't afford the thousands it took to make electronic music got 303's from pawn shops for next to nothing because nobody wanted them, and made some fuckin badass music. THATS acid. Making somthin out of nothing. In my opinion downloading an Audiorealism softy can be more 'acid' than some post-graduate high-earner dicking around with a sooped up modded 303 thinking they're the nuts.
Fuck that."

My Interests

things i've found to like: nachos, raspberries, mashed potatoes, girls with cute email accents, seeya-layers, the opposite of snakes, emotion place-holders, parc fermé, TOTALLY LEGIT RUSHUPS, natural landscape amphitheaters, sunshine recorders, smell memory, reverse poisons, Low Probability of Intercept eyeballs, setting my alarm clock to RAVE:30, kitchen floors with a co-efficient of friction = to 0 (lol), pulse repetition frequency, large-scale naval exercises, hearing you switching sound during sequence, letting ilkae do the math, ice rink emotions, active phased array radar, clipping apexes, the sound of routing convergence, ground control intercept, PROMOTING GENERAL SOCIAL CONCERN, when the nuke reactor SCRAMs automatically, announcing my intentions to defect, smoke battles, VRRP transitions, talking about you and me, themes of sudden roundabout, inverted whales, high attrition rates, scandinavian flicks, fenix funk, nordic homes, trolley services, underwater kite-flying, OSPF HELLOs, being too simple for such complex emotions, beta-testing new fruits & vegetables, train station remblance, brown paper packages tied up with string, rightovers, over the horizon radar, banister loops, the beach at redpoint, feeling the sky, nova scotia robots, three ways of saying two, longcuts through the country

things i dislike: snakes, finding that my friends' opinion of me is very much influenced over whether or not I have nachos, engineers with bad morals, vehicle-dodging soccer moms on the highway, when numbers yell at me, force majeure of a stage, the saying "an acceptable level of violence", more snakes...

I'd like to meet:

"i had a bunch of stuff i was going to write here, but i've got more important things to do, like DESTROY UNDEAD."


i only listen to musics that will be on the exam. aphex acid
vibert acid
lover's acid
ceephax acid
muddy acid
awwteker acid
gescom slow acid
sqrpshr acid
boards of canada june 9th acid
halibut acid
ice rink acid
cold war acid
grumpy acid
cornish acid
death fuck
rushup I bank 12
meltphace 6
petiatil cx htdui
last rushup 10
3'47''--on of w32.deadcode.a, lush! i like to listen to musics in the car; sometimes it makes me drive faster.


russian submarine captains with scottish accents


Braille Drivers' Manuals

Outstanding Bear Attacks

Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance (revised edition)

Bear Attacks of the Century: True Stories of Courage and Survival

True Stories of Bear Attacks: Who Survived and Why