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I like chicken if its barbqued...........

About Me

How Randomly Cute Is Your Personality?

Odd Cute
Your just a bit odd, but its still cute. I would totally give you a hug.. but I don't trust strangers.
How do you compare?
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You were born in the year of Carnival of Carnage. Which means you feel for the people in the ghetto, dislike Rednecks, and are a little bit crazy.Relevant Years:1951, 1957, 1963, 1969, 1975, 1981, 1987, 1993, 1999. Most Compatible with Great Milenko.
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My Interests

We Don't DieLets go all the Way

I'd like to meet:

ICP and TwiztidTilt a Whirl


ICP TWIZTID Tech Ni9e, K.M.K., and all of that...Afraid of Me


Lil PootBig StankMajic Ninjas




Not really a book but a game Mortons List... The end to boredom (for some reason it is classified as a book)..... and Harry Potter


Honk for Sugar!!!!!!SUGAR BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!