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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a super nice person, and I love to meet new people, so if you want to say hi go on ahead!![LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MYSELF and A Piece Of CHEESE CAKE.| View Blog | Add Comment

..SPOILED ROTTEN :-P ..The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*..tr> Basics:
Name: Juju Beans
Date of Birth: why u wanna know, are u going to get me something for my birthday?
Birthplace: Houston
Current Location: same
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: really dark brown
Height: short
Heritage: Caribbean (yeah we rock!!) with a bit of European and Spanish ancestry *nice human cocktail mix huh*
Piercings: my ears
Tattoos: do drawn on ones count?
Band/Singer: i dont have one
Song: dont have one, but right now I really like listening to Amy Winehouse and Kevin Michael.
Movie: anything funny
Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid
TV show: Wildboyz
Color: Pink & Black
Food: donuts mmmm...
Pizza topping: pepperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor: cookies-n-cream
Drink (alcoholic): don't have one
Soda: ive been soda sober for lil over a year- i kinda forgot how they taste
Store: Kohl's
Clothing Brand: Candie's, L.E.I,
Shoe Brand: Converse and Puma
Season: Winter
Month: December
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Lilly
Make-Up Item: money
Board game: checkers
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: day
Sour or sweet: sweet, like me
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person, I ruin conversations on the phone
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: get more sleep
Most missed memory: pre-school
Best physical feature: my smile
First thought waking up: why, i just fell asleep!
Hypothetical personality disorder: nervous-for no reason
Preferred type of plastic surgery: rhinoplasty
Sesame street alter ego: cookie monster
Fairytale alter ego: thumbelina
Most stupid remark: i have too many
Worst crime: accidently walking out of the store with a drink i didnt pay 4
Greatest ambition: to be an extra in a Disney movie ha ha
Greatest fear: seeing your face again
Darkest secret: i see stupid people
Favorite subject: art
Strangest received gift: a pencil for valentines day, looked like he found it on the floor
Worst habit: daydreaming
Do You:
Smoke: nope
Drink: no
Curse: no
Shower daily: yeah
Like thunderstorms: no
Dance in the rain: no
Sing: all the time
Play an instrument: no
Get along with your parents: yeah
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: yeah
Believe in love at first sight: yeah
Can You:
Drive: yep
Sew: not really
Cook: turkey burgers
Speak another language: gibberish
Dance: ha.....no
Sing: i try
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
Whistle: no
Curl your tongue: i dont think so
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: no
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: no
Been in Love: nope
Skipped school: no
Made prank calls: yeah
Sent someone a love letter: no
Stolen something: no
Cried yourself to sleep: probably
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? when they chew loudly
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? i dont have one
Name three things you can't live without: chapstick, music, and you
What is the color of your room? white, how boring
Do you have any siblings? brother and sister
Do you have any pets? no
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no how mean
What is you middle name? u dont need to know
What are you nicknames? jellybean, brownie, juju, AB, syrup, ms. new booty, thats all i can remember for now
Are you for or against gay marriage? for
What are your thoughts ..ion? its really sad
Do you have a crush on anyone? *maybe*
Are you afraid of the dark? yeah
How do you want to die? peacefully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 3
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? if they are worth it maybe
What is the last law you’ve broken? none, speeding?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: light brown
Height talller than me
Weight i dunno
Most important physical feature: muscles
Biggest turn-off shyness

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This or that...
Halloween or Christmas? Christmas
Coke or Pepsi? I dont drink sodie pop
Beer or wine? none
City or country? city
Night or day?
Study or party? party
Dogs or cats? dogs
Modern or classic? modern
Sweet or sour? sweet
Ketchup or mustard? ketchup
Water or soda? water
Snow or rain? it doesnt snow...so rain
Family or friends? family (they buy me things)
Late nights or early mornings? late nights
TV or computer? TV
Quiet or loud? loud
White or black? people?
Being deaf or being blind? none
Art or sports? sports
Food or drink? food
Movies or concerts? concerts
Skittles or M&M's? skittles
Inside or outside? inside
Hot or cold? cold
Comedy or horror? comedy
Paralyzed or retarded? i havent figured out which one u are yet....
Glasses or contacts? contacts
MySpace or Live Journal? Myspace of course


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My ex... what ex?
Maybe I should... punch you in the face.
I love... myself.
People would say that i'm... cute!! and hilarious
I don't understand... why some people talk so loud.
When i wake up in the morning... I want to go back to sleep
I lost... my keys.
Life is full of... stupidity.
My past is... boring, to say the least.
I get annoyed when... people think I have a crush on them. (when I dont)
Parties are... not where I'm gonna be

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