jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] profile picture

jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach]

You'll be so fast, mother nature will be like slowww downnnn, and you'll be like FUCK YOU, and kick

About Me

My Interests

Commonly common stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Home. Befriend. Snapshots. Blog. Message.

About Me:

I'm Jessica. I think I'd make a good photographer. I see things that are very appealing to my optics. Like today, I saw water dropping from the gutters. I think I'd be able to catch a shot of the water droplet the very second it makes a splash onto the ground.I'm very sociable. I like people. But that doesn't change the fact that I still probably hate you.

Music Of Choice:

Right now, "Whatever & Ever Amen" by Ben Folds, "Hopes and Fears" by Keane, and "Ghost" by Radical Face.

Among the other music I've been listening to on and off would be:
"Ice Cream Truck Music" by Milquetoast.
"Plans" by Death Cab For Cutie.
"Amputechture" by The Mars Volta.
"Building Nothing Out Of Something" by Modest Mouse.
"Doolittle" by The Pixies.
"Oh, Inverted World" by The Shins.

And if this stuff is put on, I'll gladly dance around to it anyday:
American Nightmare/GUTG, Tom Petty, Bad Brains, Daft Punk, Coldplay, At The Drive-In, Converge, Eisley, Bane, The Get Up Kids, The Killers, Refused, Reggie & the Full Effect, Saves the Day, and Weezer.

you're an oversexed lord of the dance.

Wrapped In Piano Strings
I saw your father in the hall
His ghost is living in the walls
I heard him crying while you slept
I heard him breaking things after you left

I watched you crawl into my bed
With curses spilling from your head
You said "We're just the walking dead"
So I pulled the trigger and we floated off

Into the air
Into the air
Into the air
Into the air
Up in the air
We're in the air
Up in the air
Up in the air

I used to worry about the time
That I lost my teeth along the line
So I carved the apple from my eye
And gave it to you before I went away

Blood ran into the kitchen sink
Your hand and lives are running pink
I sat and watched you as your ring
Slipped off and rolled across the kitchen floor

They cut your eyes wide open
And pour into your precious head
My reach don't go that far dear
But please oh please don't let them in

I sank into the sea
Wrapped in piano strings
Few words could open me
But you knew them all

Now I just sleep beneath your floor
My ghost just tries to keep you warm
I've seen the end, I've lost the war
One day you're 20 years just like the rain

I hear the engines
They're roaring in our mouths
The smell of creatures
Are falling tooth and nail to get out

I see the airplanes
They're pouring from the chest
They fill the air
And burn and bury just like the rest
Apricot Tea
if you want to lay at the bottom of the atlantic ocean
i'll be the one that comes with my ship
and drops the anchor down oh
will you be the one that smiles for me
oh will you be the one that smiles for me
oh will you be the one that smiles for me
i'll bake you muffins and apricot tea.
if you want to glide in the night sky
i'll be the one that comes with my plane
and pulls the stars out of the night
and brings them to the day for you oh
will you be the one that smiles for me
oh will you be the one that smiles for me
oh will you be the one that smiles for me
oh will you be the one that smiles for me
i'll bake you muffins and apricot tea.


Right now, "Whatever & Ever Amen" by Ben Folds, self-titled by Dntel, and "Hopes and Fears" by Keane.

Among the other music I've been listening to on and off would be:
"Ice Cream Truck Music" by Milquetoast.
"Plans" by Death Cab For Cutie.
"Amputechture" by The Mars Volta.
"Building Nothing Out Of Something" by Modest Mouse.
"Doolittle" by The Pixies.
"Oh, Inverted World" by The Shins.

And if this stuff is put on, I'll gladly dance around to it anyday:
American Nightmare/GUTG, Tom Petty, Bad Brains, Daft Punk, Coldplay, At The Drive-In, Converge, Eisley, Bane, The Get Up Kids, The Killers, Refused, Reggie & the Full Effect, Saves the Day, and Weezer.


Well.. right now..
The Illusionist.
The Prestige.
Farce Of The Penguins.
Happy Feet.


The Adventures Of Pete and Pete.


-The Catcher In The Rye
-The Outsiders
-Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack
-Empress of The World


There once was a boy that said "D en désordre est un pénis visqueux."

My Blog

I. love. these.

It all started with this: Then was mocked with this: Which led to video editing: And eventually, things just got ridiculous: ...
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:10:00 PST

Stop sucking.

The only reason I'm doing this is because I have never known someone to be so... goddamned... pathetic. If you want to be all 10-year old about it, then I'm in, and I can almost guarantee that I will,...
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:14:00 PST


"some things are better left unsaid."not all things.i hate you.
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 06:56:00 PST


Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:14:00 PST

Totally denied.

Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:17:00 PST


I GOT A BED!!!!!! No more back pains for me!
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:24:00 PST

You Know What I Love?

freedom of speech. and how pissed privacy settings on blogs can make a person. god, i am glad i am seventeen. because that means i can have the immaturity level of a seventeen year old. which really, ...
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 09:03:00 PST

Good Old-Fashioned Fun.

Today was actually nice. Sebastien and I went to the army base, Fort Story and rode around on this creepy road called Hospital Rd. It has all these barred up restricted areas and things, it's scary as...
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:58:00 PST

You know what I hate? Pt. II

I hate girls. Not all of them. But one of them goes and does something stupid and ruins it for the rest of them. I miss my girl friends from back home. I would rather not even attempt to make any gir...
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:22:00 PST

You know what I hate?

Scratch that. Do you know what I fucking hate? Two-faced bitches. =)
Posted by jess [wishes her hoes would flock to v. beach] on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:04:00 PST