Ashes of Effigies was formed by three normal guys who love to play music. The idea for the band started when Steel (Drums & Backup Vocals) and Vince (Guitar) simply came up with riffs and beats while hanging out, playing music. The ideas evolved into songs eventually. Kyle (Lead Vocals & Bass Guitar) - a good friend and also a very fast learner was added to the lineup to give a heavier sounding backline and ultimately become the voice of the band. Together, the members of the band collaborate to write the music and lyrics.
With a metal sound, a melodic influence, and meaningful lyrics...Ashes of Effigies strives to be a band that has a purpose behind what they do. Currently, we are writing songs and we have begun recording. It is only a matter of time before we have our demo CD finished. We are continuing to write songs while we start to rehearse for live shows, we are taking our time and not rushing anything because all good things some in keep checking back for more updates, and we will be seeing you soon. Thank you for adding us!
- AoE -
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