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My Interests

Baking, art, reading, writing, music, going to shows, your mom

I'd like to meet:

Everyone I went to high school with is dead.


The list is never ending so I won't bother to start it!


Pedro Almodovar, Ingmar Bergman, Quentin Tarantino, Steven Soderburgh, Francis Ford Coppola, Stanley Kubrick, the Coen brothers, Tim Burton, Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, Wes Craven, Michael Haneke, Michel Gondry, Gus Van Sant, Roman Polanski, Roberto Begnini, many, many more


Killed it.


The Orchid Thief, Call of the Wild, In Cold Blood, The Doors of Perception, Great Gatsby, On The Road, Into the Wild, Bill Bryson, Mrs. Dalloway, Brokeback Mountain, George Orwell, any Jack London, Fight Club, short stories, magazines: New Yorker, MAD, Harper's, Film Comment


Writers, painters, and candlestick makers.

My Blog

Cockeyed Cake

Not only does it have an awesome name, this cake is fucking delicious and I highly recommend it. It's just about the easiest thing I've ever baked. Don't worry about sifting...just pour all the dry in...
Posted by Hannah on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:31:00 PST