dance, butoh, Bharatanatyam, activism, travel, hiking, vegetarian food, movies, pop culture
people who walk or bike in LA, drive hours to a good restaurant, skip work and wait in line to see a first showing of a movie, stay up all night watching bad movies, make their own wheatpasting buckets, perform on street corners and in parks, and take road trips in big white vans, all the while devising a way to change the world.
LeTigre, Sleater Kinney, Sonic Youth, Patti Smith, Kristin Hersch, Throwing Muses, Beatles, Bowie, Wilco
Ordinary People, All the President's Men, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Star Wars, Pretty in Pink, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Graduate, Lord of the Rings, Lost in Translation, Apocalypse Now, Mean Streets, The Wedding Singer, The Slums of Beverly Hills
Buffy, DS9, Battlestar Galactica, Six Feet Under
authors: Rick Moody, Octavia Butler, Marge Piercy, Jack Kerouac