My names Amy and I have a little girl named Rachael who is my world. She is my little sidekick and we do everything together. She was born on May 8th, 2007, 16 weeks premature weighing only 1lb 7oz and 11in. long. After spending 136 dyas in the NICU I was able to bring her home, still very unaware of what her future would be like. I'm very proud to say she is beginning her terrible two's a little bit early and her favorite word is "no no".. and "num num": (yum yum for translation). I am very proud of everything she has ever done... whether it was the day she opened her eyes for the first time... breathed on her own... ate orally... smiled... talked.. crawled... and now taking steps.Besides my daughter, I'm a part time student working towards the RN program.
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