scuz, april's husband profile picture

scuz, april's husband

via the revolution

About Me

Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures I am a 29 year old male who lives in Des Moines, IA .I am a proud scumbag, gutter punk,and drunk. My major in college is cinema. I worked in Market Research the last several years and it is a profession for degenerates an d crack whores- a profession that has no value. I am a socialist libertrian- I believe goverment ought to remain at of the personal lives of people and there ought to be more regulations on corporations. I am against capitalism- it is a defective economic system that steals from the proletariat. Goverment ought to control all vital services such as food production and distrabution, health care and housing. I am for being philosophy and politics into the streets, for being a revolution of ideas and action into the streets. Fuck the police they are the vanguard of the bougeoise establishment- police are only there to protect the interest of multi-internation corporations and bourgeois wealth and property. I am also against the coward Jesus Christ and the weak morals and virtues he preached. Things I enjoy doing include smoking, drinking,drugs. reading, stimulating conversation, walking on the beach, cuddling, creating music, listening to music, indie cinema, learning, political science, science in general, having discourse with others about the forthcoming revolution, mocking Jesus Christ, phliosophy,and fornication. Personal motos include "Bottles up, Morals Down", and "Nice guys finished last, scumbags get the ass".Via Revolution, Hail Satan Free Gothic layouts at
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My Interests

Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures Politics, reading, revolution, drugs, cinema, art, drinking, history,science, smoking, drinking, education,learning new things, sewing, and phliosophy.

I'd like to meet:

People with similar interest- People i can have stimulating conversations with about philosophy, politics, music, books, art- life in general.

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Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures Bad Religion, Motorhead, , Rat Pack, AC/DC, Guns 'N' Roses, Warron Zevon, Leftover Crack, anything Jello has done (Dead Kennedys, Lard, Jello with the Melvins), Johnny Cash,Pink Floyd, Marylin Manson, NIne Inch Nail, Alice In Chains, Tool, A Perfect Circle, G.G. Allin, Misfits, Sex Pistols, Sid Vicious, Romanes, R.E.M., Elvis Castellio, Rage Against The Machine,Nirvana, Prono for Pyros, Jane's Addiction, Foo Fighters, Probot, Slayer, Cradle of Filth, The Clash, System of a Down I like metal, punk, 90's alterative- the only music i don't like is like rap and hip hop.


Cecil B Dementedand anything else by John Waters Goodfellas, Casino, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Kevin Smith movies(minus jersey girl), Quentin Tarantino movies, Kubrick movies,policical documantries(Anything Micheal Moore has done,Supersize Me, The Corporation, and that negative movie about Walmart- fuck Walmart) Star Wars (excepted episiode one), The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Godfather one and two, Fight Club, Boon Docks Saints, Anything with members of the Rat Pack(Excepted movies Dean Martin Co-Stared in with jerry Lewis- Fuck Jerry Lewis)Tank Girl, The Friday 13th 1-10, The Childern of the Corn 1-7, Nightmare on elm street, Troma, and horror movies from the late 70's and early 80's.


img src="" border=0 alt="" Family Guy, Futurama, Aquateens Hungry Firce, Robot Chicken,Beavis and Butthead and Cheaters.


a href="" target="_blank"
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures Anton Lavey- Satanic Bible, Hunter S thompson Fear and Loathing in las Vegas, William S. Burroughs- Junky, Noam Chomsky- Class Warfare, Howard Zinn- A People's History of the Untied States of America, Karl Marx- Commuinist manifesto, Che Guevara Reader, V.I. Lenin Reader, J.D Salinger- Cather in the Rye- Nietzsche- Thus Spoke Zarathustra- The Jean Paul Sartre Reader, C. Wright Mills- The Power Elite, Abby Hoffmen- Soon to Be a Major Motion Picture, Micheal Moore- Stupid White Men, Al Frankin- Lies and the lying liars who Tell them, Charles Darwin-Orgins of Species by Means of Natrual Selection, and Herman Hesse- Steppenwolf.


Lucifer, Hunter S Thompson, William S Burroughs, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Lemmy from Motorhead, Anton LaVey, Nietzsche, Jean Paul Sartre, Micheal Moore, Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Jello, Abby Hoffmen, G G Allin, Pancho Viila, Emiliano Zapata,Charles Darwin, V.I. Lenin, Johnny Cash, and The Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Dean Marti n, Sammy Davis Jr.)

My Blog

prositutes-maggot infested frozen television dinner-

decay, maggots fill the emepty spaces in my heart hallow... nothing left og me but this ememty flesh of a shell cut the strings... i fall, lifeless onto the concret floor I am nothing more then your w...
Posted by scuz on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:26:00 PST

vroken televison reception

neves fried... broken televison reception... hope into my own delusion of happiness... false hope... disposable...this isn't really my life is it? this is not really who i have become is it? deception...
Posted by scuz on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:19:00 PST

your words are sherds of glass on my heart.

in my heart in my soul i know a god doesn't exist.... lust and betrayal... every conor i turn liars with crowns of gold... some have misaken my kindness as weakness.... some have misaken my compasion ...
Posted by scuz on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 07:29:00 PST

h... depression... sweet release.

the darkness surrounds me... sartre was right man is a island opun himself... fuck why couldn't I have just stayed a junky? why can't just drown my sorrows in a shot of H? because that is not who i am...
Posted by scuz on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

revolution begins in your home

I am going to revist a concept I wrote about a year ago- about how revolution begins in your own home. In our daily lives we see how defective this economic system is to not only the lives of are love...
Posted by scuz on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:06:00 PST

des Moines- 9th inning last chance for romance.

9th inning last chance for romance- des moines iowa just another interstate stop. grey hair- back aches... getting old...the events of the last week... calling them disappointing would be a understatm...
Posted by scuz on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:58:00 PST

What is love- not what I had....

I am tried of people wanting to talk shit and slander my name- this is it. You know what i have made misakes- but i was never unfaithful to any of my girlfriends. I am not the one who invited another ...
Posted by scuz on Wed, 02 May 2007 04:34:00 PST

Invasion of my private life....

As people who know me know i am a very private reserved indivdual- but just last night someone violated my private life- here is the situration- last night i went out to a local bar with a female co-w...
Posted by scuz on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 06:33:00 PST

Heart's desire

Frustrated at the circumstances of my life.... there has to be something more... I keep talking about this emepty space i feel into my soul... it just seems to grow bigger with every passing day... ev...
Posted by scuz on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:53:00 PST

a peice of myself.

You have to understand my philosophy towards life to really understand were I am coming from. I am amoral by my nature- and i believe that actions are not so much good or evil... i don't believe in th...
Posted by scuz on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:34:00 PST