Daniel profile picture


Does anyone have a breath mint? Yes? Then use it!

About Me

Working professional with very view interests and shallow to boot. Beyond that I am good to go!!! Married with 2 kids and 1 grandchild, who is a complete sweetheart.

My Interests

Hunting and fishing are key but let's not forget sleeping while it is raining outside is great! Scratch that, let's just take the nap instead.

I'd like to meet:

New friends that are not spamming me everytime I turn on the cpu. If you are interested then please email away; if you want to sell me something then have your people call my people and we will set something up.


Shinedown; Good rock ballads that make you sweet and sassy...Madagascar quote!


Anything on satellite is good!


House; Bones; or anything that is easy to pronounce and has only one word.


My sisters; not so much my brother...HAHAHA.

My Blog

Learning to suffer fools!

Have you ever been in a situation where the only thing you can say to a very boneheaded person is...your kidding right!  Then you spend the rest of your day, week or month to year trying to ...
Posted by Daniel on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:51:00 PST