Jus-t'us..."The Past, The Present, and The Future..."Jus-t'us (Just us) is comprised of three talented individuals, whom of all which share the same goal...to change the sound of which music has become. To say the least, Jus-t'us comes from the three major cities that make up the West Coast; Jay being from San Fransisco, Smokey being from San Diego, and Smoov being from Los Angeles. This group has no limits to success being that there is nothing they can't do. Jus-t'us writes their own music, makes and produces their own beats, choregraphs routines, rap, sing, and play several different instruments. Jus't-us is the group that makes the music that will be played in any and every venue, from church to rock concerts. From soundtracks to jazz clubs, Jus-t'us does it all. The vision is to infiltrate the game and give meaning and depth to music again, with a sound that makes it impossible to hate. Is nothing else to say,... you'll see 'em when you see 'em,... just remember the name, it's Jus-t'usThe Chosen Few... Its already been written in the history books, look it up...Colossians 4:11....