I like beer and music, I have kinda grown out of the whole car scene now, im more into havin a great time all the time. I like to get crunk alot lol and most ppl know that. I am still a good student and make good grades and all the scholastic shit but i try to enjoy myself and all my friends while i still can cause with the way i drive and how i live my life i have no idea when and how im gonna die. I live my life day by day and im happy with that. Im not one to judge by any means and if you dont like me then get away from me cause i surround my self with positive energy. If you have a problem with the way i live my life then i guess your just gonna have to deal with it and not live your life like me cause im not changin for anyone. If you have any other questions you'd like to ask me then message me and ill fill you in.Layout made by Hybiskis at CreateBlog.com .Layout and Grafix Created by Hybiskis