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Love & Basketball

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My name is Antonio, i go by tone toni or toni woni... I am a cool person real easy to get along with i am a real funny person i love to play basketball all the time that is my life after my Mom. In a relationship There are three things that i will appreciate is a relationship with Eyes that wont Cry, Lips that wont Lie, and Love that wont Die.I am not even from tulsa but a lot of niggas like to hate on me what for i dont know but keep doin it and im loving it.Im currently in Love with my baby so nobody have a chance sorry move on we happy

My Interests

I am interesting in cool friends that are athletic, intelligent, and fun to be around, and got some goin in life.

I'd like to meet:

I will like to meet Sanaa Lathan and Meagan Goods.

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Sleep with or without clothes on? with
Prefer black or blue pens? my nephew
Dress up on Halloween? no
Like to travel? yes
Like Someone? yes
Do they know? yes
Who sleeps with you every night? my boo vdot
Think you're attractive? of course
Want to get married? no
To: noone
Are you a good student? yes
Are you currently happy? yes
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? maybe/ dont care
Birthplace? st.louis
Christmas or Halloween? christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? colored
Do long distance relationships work? sometimes
Do you believe in astrology? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? YES
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? not really
Do you drink? no
Do you make fun of people? sometimes
Do you think dreams eventually come true? no
Favorite fictional character? dont watch tv
Go to the movies or rent? movies
Have you ever moved? yes
Have you ever stolen anything? maybe
How's the weather right now? it..'s hot
Last time you cut your hair? 3yrs ago
Last person you talked to on the phone? vdot
Last time you showered? 1hr ago
Loud or soft music? either
Mcdonalds or Burger King? bk
Night or day? night (jump offs)
Number of pillows? three
Piano or guitar? neither
Future job? baketball player
Current job? basketball player
Current love? she know
Current longing?
Current disappointment? this jump off wanted me to beat but i just wanted some head
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? chicken
Last thing you bought? some jordans
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? all the jump offs at my new school
What are you hearing right now? slow music
Plans for the weekend? get a lot of jump offs
What did you do today? chill but goin to the club later
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? cris cross will make you jump jump
Pick a movie quote? All about the benjamins
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Rap, R&B, and some Slow stuff

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My favorite movie is Love & Basketball


My favorite tv show is Martin


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My Hero is My Big Brother Robert